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Materials required for timber import declaration

Source:/en      Release date: 2023-10-12
Importers are required to provide a certificate of origin for wood. The supplementary information of the certificate of origin includes: the name of the place of origin and the country or region where it is located, the type of restoration, the logging situation in the area, the export certificate, the logging declaration and the corresponding license certificate.
The customs declaration process of wood import requires a large number of supporting documents and materials. The following are the main materials required for timber import declaration:

(1) Certificate of Origin of wood

Importers are required to provide a certificate of origin for wood. The supplementary information of the certificate of origin includes: the name of the place of origin and the country or region where it is located, the type of restoration, the logging situation in the area, the export certificate, the logging declaration and the corresponding license certificate.

(2) Import license

Imports of timber involving endangered/non-endangered species require an import licence. Import license is a certificate issued by the Forestry and Grass Bureau to regulate and supervise the quality of imported wood. Importers can obtain import licenses by applying to the relevant authorities, which are responsible for regulating the import, transportation and sale of timber.

(3) Packaging and labeling

When importing wood, packaging and labeling are required to ensure that the wood will not be damaged during transportation and storage. At the same time, the label should indicate the prototype, variety, origin, transport volume, use, production date and quality.

(4) Transport consignment documents

The importer must provide shipping documents during the import period. Consignment note refers to the documents provided by the transport company transporting the timber. These documents need to detail information such as the mode of transport, the customs code and the country of destination of the timber. The customs may also require the logistics enterprise to provide the corresponding materials and certificates.

(5) Quarantine certificate

Due to the particularity of wood, the customs needs to carry out strict quarantine measures and treatment when importing wood. In the declaration, the importer needs to provide a detailed report of the wood, including the wood variety, source, treatment, quarantine certificate, etc. The quarantine certificate shall be provided by the relevant authorities of the importing country after inspection.

(6) List of goods

The cargo list is a detailed list submitted by the importer to the customs, including the type, quantity, origin, unit price, total value and other information of the wood. Customs will confirm and check the cargo list to ensure that the quantity of the product is as described.
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